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Men of Merit: An Opportunity-Based Community College Program to Promote the Retention of Men of Color in Higher Education

Orange 7 Student Success
Monday, October 28, 2019
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Orange 7 (Student Success)


Dr. Marvin Wilson
Director, Middle Early College HS & Men of Merit Programs
Erie Community College

Men of Merit: An Opportunity-Based Community College Program to Promote the Retention of Men of Color in Higher Education

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Full Abstract

The literature is replete with documentation articulating the dilemma facing men of color in community colleges that fail to successfully persist to graduation. The academic success outcomes of men of color remain deficient in community colleges compared to other groups (Valliani, 2015). While many men begin their educational journey at community colleges, most African-American and Latino men do not reach degree completion (Center for Community College Student Engagement, 2014). To this end, what is needed is a program that embraces the college’s commitment to making the retention of men of color a priority. The SUNY Erie Men of Merit Retention Program focuses on providing academic, personal, and career enrichment activities that promote the leadership qualities of distinction, excellence, and integrity. By implementing a trained mentor and volunteerism, the mission of Men of Merit is to foster these three qualities while encouraging members to stay in college, advance academically, and serve their community as become the men they aim to be. The result is a program that shows promise to increase the retention of men of color in higher education and as a potential best practice.

Center for Community College Student Engagement. (2014). Aspirations to achievement: Men of color and community colleges (A special report from the Center for Community College Student Engagement). Austin, TX: The University of Texas at Austin, Program in Higher Education Leadership. Retrieved from www.ccsse.org/docs/MOC_Special_Report.pdf

Valliani, N. (2015). The state of higher education in California: Blacks. The Campaign for College Opportunity. Retrieved from files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED571120.pdf