Community College Public Safety Administrators are faced with continual challenges as they attempt to build capacity and search for best practices to ensure safety and security on college campuses. Community college campuses in the SUNY system deliver safety and security services that vary from campus to campus. Our campus safety administrators have various backgrounds and have vast law enforcement, public safety, and emergency management experience. As administrators, we continually seek best practices to achieve the public safety mission of our college communities. The Community College Public Safety Administrators Association (CCPSAA) has not been able to come together since our Roundtable in May of 2019. The Spring 2023 CCPSAA Conference and Vendor Exhibition has been organized provide an opportunity to collaborate, network, and sharing of ideas to improve campus safety. This conference will focus on the Prevention of Acts of Violence and Emergency Response, however, there are topics that will benefit attendees with the management of their offices.
Full Conference Pass
Full Conference Pass
1-Day Pass
6301 State Route 298
East Syracuse, NY 13057