SUNY Online Teaching OSCQR workshop series
SUNY Online Teaching developed an online course design rubric and process that addresses both the instructional design and accessibility of an online course that is openly licensed for anyone to use and adapt. The aim of the SUNY Online Course Quality Review Rubric (OSCQR) and Process is to support continuous improvements to the quality and accessibility of online courses, and can be used formatively with new online faculty to help guide, inform, and influence the design of new online courses, or to support the review and refresh of existing and mature online courses. The award winning OSCQR rubric is non-evaluative, flexible, customizable, and designed to be used in a variety of online course quality assurance approaches, from an informal online faculty self-assessment, to more formal program-level larger-scale online faculty development activities and initiatives.
This series of workshops prepares online faculty, online instructional designers, and online administrators with the information, tools, and resources necessary to design and tailor an approach to address the quality of the design and accessibility of online courses systematically and consistently.
Date: October 29, 2024
Time: 12:00pm -1:30pm EST
Audience: All audiences
This webinar will provide an overview and introduction to the OSCQR rubric and process. Participants will gain a basic understanding of how to access/use the OSCQR self-assessment rubric, and related tools and resources appropriately. Participants will:
With a basic understanding of the OSCQR standards, and practice applying them, participants will have the necessary tools, skills, and information to complete an OSCQR online course quality self-assessment to review and improve the quality and accessibility of their own online course. Participants will earn the Intro to OSCQR badge.
This webinar is a prerequisite to the SUNY Online OSCQR Self-Assessment/Refresh badge and certification as an SUNY Online Certified OSCQR Reviewer and/or SUNY Online Certified OSCQR Trainer.
Date: November 14, 2024
Time: 12:00pm -1:30pm EST
Audience: Faculty & Instructional Designers
Participants will earn the Become an OSCQR Online Course Reviewer badge. This webinar is a prerequisite to certification as an SUNY Online Certified OSCQR Reviewer, and/or SUNY Online Certified OSCQR Trainer.
This webinar will provide an overview and introduction to
the SUNY OSCQR rubric and process, including the features and
functionality of the PDF self-assessment rubric and the online interactive
OSCQR rubric and dashboard. The scope and intent of the OSCQR online course
quality review process using the online OSCQR tools and resources (including
features and limitations) will be discussed. Participants will gain a basic
understanding of how to access and use the OSCQR rubric, and related tools and resources appropriately for the purposes of conducting online course
Participants will:
With a basic understanding of OSCQR, the online interactive OSCQR tools and resources, participants will have what is necessary to generate their own interactive OSCQR rubric online and use it to conduct online course reviews and craft constructive feedback and actions plans that can be used to improve the quality and accessibility of online courses.
This webinar is intended for anyone interested in becoming an OSCQR Online Course Reviewer or in earning OSCQR Reviewer Certification. Participants will earn the Become an OSCQR Online Course Reviewer badge.
Date: December 3, 2024
Time: 12:00pm-1:30pm EST
Audience: Distance Learning Leaders, Online Directors, Online Managers, Instructional Designers, Experienced Online Faculty
This webinar will 1) Provide an overview of the US DoE regulation requiring Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI) in distance education courses, to clarify definitions, scope, and purpose, and establish a common understanding, as well as implications for accountability at the campus, course design, and instructional levels. 2) Illustrate how OSCQR can be leveraged to build awareness about the RSI at institutional, instructional designer, and faculty levels, first by providing an overview of the OSCQR tools and related resources, and then by digging into the RSI-focused OSCQR standards. 3) Provide planning and documentation templates to support participants in creating a plan of action for their future RSI work.
Participants will leave this webinar with greater understanding and practical knowledge for how to:
Webinar participants will also receive the RSI OSCQR badge.
Date: December 12, 2024
Time: 12:00pm-1:30pm EST
Audience: Distance Learning Leaders, Online Directors, Online Managers, DL Advisory Teams
In this webinar participants will be guided in the creation of an implementation plan to systematically review and refresh the instructional design and accessibility of online courses and programs. Participants will leave with an implementation plan template and all the information, and resources and understanding necessary to tailor it to their individual context, and the scope and scale of their online quality initiative. Access to the tools and resources needed to implement their project are provided, and best practices in implementing a larger scale online course quality review and refresh initiative will be reviewed and discussed.
This webinar is designed to address 3 key objectives:
Participants will:
Participants will earn the Designing an OSCQR Implementation Plan badge. The Intro to OSCQR webinar is recommended as a prerequisite for this workshop, which assumes a familiarity and some experience with OSCQR.
Certifications are offered at no cost to SUNY participants. For non-SUNY participants, a fee of $50 will be charged.
Participants can earn the following certifications. Please see the Webinar section above for pre-requisites.
Certification Option #1: SUNY Online Certified OSCQR Review & Refresh (self-assessment)
Certification Option #2: SUNY Online Certified OSCQR Reviewer
Certification Option #3: SUNY Online Certified OSCQR Trainer