A scenic photo of a long stretch of road surrounded by dark grey skies. With the title 'SUNY OER Summit 2024' and a mission statement of 'Supporting Faculty, Empowering Students'.

Supported by the SUNY Center for Professional Development 

Virtual: October 16th & 17th, 2024

Eastern Standard Time

Closed Captioning available, Sessions will be recorded

We are excited to announce the SUNY OER Summit 2024, a free virtual event dedicated to sharing best practices and insights in the field of Open Educational Resources and Open Pedagogy. This summit aims to bring together practitioners from SUNY and beyond to explore innovative approaches, successful case studies, and emerging trends in OER. We welcome proposals from both SUNY and non-SUNY educators, researchers, students, administrators, librarians, and other stakeholders involved in OER. We encourage submissions from newer professionals.  

Conference Timeline: 

  • Proposals due by Wednesday, July 31, 2024 11:59PM.  
  • Notifications of acceptance by Wednesday, August 28, 2024
  • Registration opens in September 2024

*Dates are subject to change. Please refer to this website for the most up to date information.