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A conference promoting accessible digital environments
March 19-20, 2020 
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel, Syracuse, NY


The Digital Equality Conference planning team has been paying close attention to the COVID-19 situation and we have made the difficult decision to postpone the Digital Equality Conference, originally scheduled for March 19 & 20th, in Syracuse, NY. We are currently working with the conference site to get this conference rescheduled and will communicate that information to you as soon as we have the dates finalized. The team believes that this is the right decision for our SUNY participants and the community, in general.

The DoubleTree by Hilton hotel is aware of this decision to postpone the conference and you should therefore have no penalties associated with your hotel cancellation as long as you abide by the hotel cancellation policy (48 hours prior to arrival). We hope that you will be patient with us as we work through the process of refunding your registration payments. We encourage you to reach out to Jamie Heron at the Center for Professional Development if you have any questions or concerns (jamie.heron@suny.edu).  

Digital Equality emphasizes the importance of inclusive design, to advance equal access for people with disabilities. Building on SUNY’s Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) Accessibility Policy, this year’s conference will bring together a wide range of System and campus stakeholders to inform, discuss, and explore promising practices for sustaining a digital accessibility program. The goal is to establish a culture that embraces accessibility and ensures successful navigation of online and technology environments.

The Digital Equality Conference focuses on the implementation and benefits of:

  • Accessible electronic and information technologies, including but not limited to Internet and Intranet websites, web-based applications, digital content, classroom technology, and more; and
  • The creation of accessible electronic resources, including instructional content and library resources; and
  • Legal landscape and policies pertaining to ADA and Section 504 compliance.

    Attendees will learn about accessibility requirements and come away more prepared to proactively support ability-and-functionally diverse people on their own campuses. This conference is intended for administrators, faculty, and professional staff who:
  • Oversee accessibility policies, plans, and programs
  • Develop, purchase, host and/or acquire web pages, websites, hardware and software products and services
  • Create or disseminate digital content (e.g., email, documents, presentations, video, etc.)
  • Assist faculty with the creation and/or acquisition of educational materials
  • Support individuals with disabilities in pursuit of education and employment opportunities

    Examples of audience members who would benefit from attending this conference includes:
  • ADA Coordinators
  • Business Officers
  • Chief Diversity Officers
  • Communications and Marketing Professionals  
  • Course Designers
  • Disability Specialists
  • EIT Accessibility Officers
  • Faculty, Faculty Developers 
  • Human Resource Personnel
  • Procurement Professionals
  • Student Affairs Professionals
  • Web Developers

  • Questions? Contact Jamie Heron at jamie.heron@suny.edu.  