Title: Attracting Students of Color to Ph.D. Level Programs in Business Management Through DEI Initiatives.
Presenter: Dr. Tesfayohannes Beraki , Assistant Professor, Business Management Department, School of Business, Farmingdale State College
Details: A group of researchers conducted a survey focused on the details of Earned Doctorates (SED) in all fields from 50 accredited doctoral degree-granting US academic institutions in the United States. The National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within the National Science Foundation, and three other federal agencies: the National Institute of Health (NIH), the Department of Education, and the National Endowment for the Humanities jointly sponsored this important survey (
Doctorate Recipients from U.S. Universities: 2020 | NSF - National Science Foundation.
The survey covered all doctoral degrees granted in the US during the last 47 years in all recognized academic disciplines. The survey revealed that granted doctoral degrees in a variety of specialized fields in the area of Business Administration/Business Management showed a generally stagnant, even a declining trend in certain specialized fields. Particularly, the minority doctoral grantees are significantly underrepresented. This situational scenario is contrary to the ongoing demographic diversity of the country. There can be a variety of reasons and conditionalities for these happenings.
My study aims to deal with the WHYs and HOWs of this situation within the framework of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusiveness (DEI). I will use the critical inquiry methodology in my description, critical analysis, evaluation to identify the weakness and provide recommendations for further consideration and discourse. I hope my paper can trigger further research on this vital issue.
Title: Making US Accounting Accessible to International Students for their Future Careers
Presenter: Dr. Aida Sy, Assistant Professor, Business Management Department, School of Business, Farmingdale State College
Details: Why US GAAP for International Students?
The International Financial Reporting Standard, IFRS is not working well. International Accountants inflate the Financial Statements, as they are more concerned with pleasing the customers (Banks in Nigeria, France, Italy for instance). All European Union Countries use a dual system: US GAAP and IFRS. Sometimes, these nations use their local GAAP. The purpose of this panel is to encourage international students to learn and know more about US GAAP. So, once they return to their country and open their business, they will not be caught off guard. A dual system is confusing for many business men and women. US GAAP is well understood by investors, it offers more accuracy in financial reporting, it uses both FIFO and LIFO.