Creating Inclusive Innovation in Higher Education

Leveraging Innovative Technologies in Practice

There is a growing demand for transformative technologies such as robotization, automation, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality, and wearable devices. This track focuses on course design and pedagogy case studies showing how these new and emerging technologies can benefit a wide range of learners, including those with disabilities.

Building Relationships

This track focuses on new and effective ways to connect with colleagues and share innovative approaches on topics related to professional development, sharing among campuses, faculty fellows, and effective sharing methods in general.

Creation and Authorship

This track explores the challenges of how students and faculty define authorship in an AI-enhanced world filled with unreliable information sources. Presentations in this track will address issues associated with copyright, open pedagogy, student research and scholarship, information literacy, etc.

Evolving Pedagogies

This track focuses on the methods, strategies, and tools that have evolved in response to AI and the need for faculty to engage and challenge their students equitably. Topics include learner engagement, multidisciplinary approaches, adaptive learning, and active learning in all modalities.

Equitable Assessment in Practice

Equitable assessment practices give all students the opportunity to succeed regardless of their background or circumstances. Presentations in this track explore how instructors utilize ungrading, contract grading, specifications grading, and other approaches to assessment that are deliberately inclusive in engaging students and evaluating learning.

Contact Us

The SUNY Center for Professional Development (CPD) supports a wide range of professional development opportunities for the academic, technical, and leadership communities across the SUNY System.

