Session Format Descriptions

Presentations - 30 Minutes (in person)

Presentations could consist of academic paper and/or demonstrations. Q & A and handouts are strongly encouraged. Each presenter will receive feedback forms from the audience after his/her presentation. It is recommended that there are no more than 2 speakers for this format.

Panels - 75 Minutes; more than 2 presenters (in person)

 A coordinated presentation of related paper and/or discussion by three or more speakers, each offering a perspective on a common issue(s) with time for Q&A. A panel should include a coordinator who submits an abstract describing the common theme and listing the individual presenters and their topics. Use of supporting technology, audience participation, and state of the art topics are strongly encouraged.

Ignite Session - 6 minutes 40 seconds (in person)

Participants are invited to present a short session of 20 slides, each slide lasting only 20 seconds. An ignite presentation is meant to “ignite” or “spark” ideas in others. Get others excited and showcase your campus initiative, best practice, or passion for a new teaching tip, technique or tool. Slides should be timed to rotate automatically.

Poster sessions - 75 minutes and run consecutively with Technology Showcase. (in person)

Presenters are available at individual stations for demonstrations, displays, and/or discussions with conference attendees. Presenters are provided a 6 ft table with 2 chairs and an easel for their display. Presenters are responsible for providing their own foam board or other materials needed for their display. For any demonstrations or PowerPoint/slides, presenters will need to run and display from their personal laptop, iPad, or tablet. Access to an electrical outlet is not guaranteed.

Facilitated Discussion Forum - 60 minutes (in person)

Participants share problems and solutions regarding topics or products of broad general interest to the CE or CEE community. This session should be such that it will stimulate considerable audience participation. Proposals should include both a topic and summary of discussion questions to be addressed in the session. Participants should be ready to share experiences, learn best practices, and discuss topics of common interest. Facilitated by the session proposer, these are small group sessions, guided discussions, and spur informal group interactions.

Special Interest Group - 60 minutes (in person)

SIGS are meant to give an opportunity for formalized SUNY-wide groups or Communities of Practice to meet face to face and conduct group business or discuss group initiatives. SIGS can be “open” or “closed.” Open SIGS are usually meant to widen the reach of the group and invite others to participate. If a SIG is “closed” it is only meant for current group members.

Hands-On demos - 75 minutes (in person)

Participants who attend these sessions will have the opportunity to actively participate in the instructional strategies being presented. 

Pre-Conference Workshops - 3 hours (in person)

Include the participation of a limited number of pre-registered attendees in learning activities designed to develop their expertise in a specific area. Hands on activities are highly encouraged.

Vendor Track - 30 minutes 

Will ideally tie into one of the conference themes. Vendors who wish to present must submit an abstract of their presentation that includes, or is in conjunction with, an institute of higher learning, who has used the product / service in an innovative manner to improve the teaching and learning environment. We invite you to present the innovation, its development, implementation, outcome, and the effectiveness of the technology in higher education.

Contact Us

The SUNY Center for Professional Development (CPD) supports a wide range of professional development opportunities for the academic, technical, and leadership communities across the SUNY System.

